Moon Relay are back wigth their fifth studio album! "Iddy Umpty" confirms the band’s return to immediate and surprising stand-alone tracks - in contrast to their previous conseptual album ”_...-``-..._” from 2021.
The highly conseptual and genre-bending quartet has made a solid trademark over the years, with their experimental hybrid of post-punk, no-wave, noise-rock and electronic music. With members from so many other great projects on the Norwegian scene, the resources this gang has are pretty unique. As well as their respected standing in the scene. Playing huge productions on art centres as well as in your face conserts at rock venues around Europe, with releases on Sheep Chase, Hubro and Fysisk Format in their back catalogue - hinting at their hard-to-categorize sound.
The album will be out April 26th, 2024.
Moon Relay: Daniel Meyer Grønvold, Håvard Volden, Christian Næss and Magnus Skavhaug Nergaard.
Produced by Daniel Meyer Grønvold and Håvard Volden
Mixed by Kyrre Laastad at Øra Studio
Mastered by Karl Klaseie at Øra Studio
Artwork by Espen Friberg, based on stills by Anthony Barratt
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